Chat with Max for 10x faster insights on your CPG data with generative AI

Drive brand and category growth
with the power of AI Analytics

Analyze CPG data just by chatting
Chat with Max to gain valuable insights on your brand, category, market, and customer data – anywhere, anytime. Our integration with OpenAI’s GPT-4 LLM lets you chat naturally in your own words.
Get answers to questions that matter
Max answers your toughest questions by using a toolkit of Skills to run descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analyses. Get answers to “what,” “why,” and “how,” questions with ease.

Automate recurring brand and category analysis
Say goodbye to manual analysis, while giving your team the same reports and presentations they know and love. Max automates your daily, weekly, and monthly analysis on schedule or upon data refresh.
Tailored to your CPG business
Max is fully customizable to reflect the way your business analyzes, visualizes, and talks about data. With Skill Studio, you can create specialized Skills and AI Assistants to help tackle your unique data analysis needs.